Here are a few guidelines for those who wish to have a smooth transition during your move.

1. Before you do anything constructive it is advisable that you confirm your scheduled date with the movers.

2. Always have a second date ready if the weather doesn't allow you to move on that specific date. Get a second date from the movers and see if you can book that date as well if there is no costs involved.

3. Spring cleaning is a good thing at this time and if there is too much clutter to clean, it is time for a garage sale or donation to a charity. This will reduce the workload a bit.

4. Packaging is necessary, so go to big shopping malls and start tracking down some good packaging. Normally management will have a storage place for them which will make your work much easier.

5. It's also time to start making some kind of code you can use on the boxes so you can trace them at its destination. A good example is by using the first letters of a room and then adding a number for the amount of boxes you used for that room.( Main bedroom , MB1)

6. Make travel arrangements for your animals.

7. Make sure that you store any important documents in a save place, like your bills and testaments. Normally let these documents travel with you instead of a box hidden somewhere on the truck

8. Arrange for some help. Friends and family will most likely be able to assist you during the process but normally a Kentucky barrel will help with the process.

9. Finalize estate agent paperwork and needs.

10. Arrange that the kids will have instant access to school and for those who haven't done so it is important to register your child at the school he/she will be attending.

11. Change your address with banks, post office and any important institutes that rely on an address to contact you.

12. It is very important to make sure that the pets are catered for. If you need help in this the SPCA will be more than willing to assist.

13. When you start packing it is always best to start with breakable items and then store them in a save place.

14. Make sure that your utilities are enabled at your new place. This includes telephone, gas and cable TV.

15. Decide on what you will be packing first. I suggest doing the breakable items yourself before letting your helpers do the rest.

16. You should consider donating your plants to friends and family or plant them back into the garden, if you feel like it.

17. Make sure that your internet is disconnected and your pc is in a save place, and if you feel it must be done, backing up your drive is a good option at this stage.

18. Drain the fuel out of your lawnmovers and edge cutters before you move them. Try and avoid moving chemicals in a truck as well. Get rid of it if possible.

19. Cancel subscriptions, like newspapers, to your present location or change them to the new address.

20. If you were involved in outside activities make sure lockers are cleaned out and key returned to the institute.

21. Mark all boxes that are fragile clearly and also try to give instructions on a box if it is needed.

22. It is time to verify if there is proper insurance on your furniture during a move.

23. When packing makes sure that you don't hide items that you will be using at your new location and the night before you leave. Normally toothbrushes and even a kettle should be made easy accessible.

24. When you reach your new place make sure that you prepare your bedroom first as you will definitely need it later on.